
Spoilers much? 

I normally treated those moments as reminders that I should stand up from my gaming seat, visit the restroom, refill my drink, stretch my limbs, check my phone for new emails/messages, and then wander back to the tv to see if its over yet so I can go back to thinking i’m creative.

I was emotionally invested in an evil demon priest and his story.
Yes, I was so ready for him to turn on you and become a boss, but it never happens. What we get instead is the story of an evil priest that everyone knows is evil but accepts anyway and give him a loving home until he decided on his own to turn on his

It’s a great game,  but I wish the building up your island part of the game was expanded and tied into the story instead of mostly just being an endgame activity.  And the Malroth text eats away part of my soul whenever it pops up.  

It’s great! Except for those horrible, terrible bits with Malroth when text slowly rolls onto the screen then waits a minute per word and... you... can’t... skip... it...