
What a piece of junk.

this response is perfect.

You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.

EA/Bioware gushed about making Ryder female for reveal at E3. Immediately make the character male again for actual gameplay.

Disney infinity and then this.

So don’t click on them and don’t play the game. Seems pretty simple.

I’ll refer you to my earlier post about disappointing yourself by buying into hype then blaming everyone else.

Okay, stop disappointing yourself by overhyping things and then blaming others for your own disappointment because of your unchecked emotions. Not sure what the word for that is but it’s not entitlement so that should suffice for you.

Most of that stuff is stupid nitpicking of cuts that happen to every game. The only difference is Hello Games was more open about the current state of the game during development than most studios, and so when things got cut, people knew about it.

Get over it, entitlement looks ugly on you

He’s trying to collect all the Chaos Emeril.

Sheep. Open the game and find out what you think of it instead of forming an opinion based on someone else’s experience.

Everyone except the millions of folks playing the game and enjoying it.

It’s a superb foundation for a great game, but it’s definitely lacking in the sense you that it’s immediately obvious the many ways it could be improved. As is it’s just a grindy resource gathering game.

It’s truly sad that you’re labeling a game you haven’t played as disappointing. Why don’t you open the box and form your own opinion, you asshat?

Aww thats a disappointment. I figured it would be terrible but was hoping it wouldn’t be because, like Lego Avengers, this has a voiced Kamala Khan. And I want to support her breaking out of the comics and into everything else sooo much.

Some rookie cop was messing with the Horn of Urgency. I chewed him out real good.

What can you do? It’s a slow crime season; at least someone can relate.