
Other than the Rain Man part, I agree. But, I don't think Adam & Kristina embrace "the weird".
They're so incredibly white-bread and despite occasional winks and nods to "the lizard guy" or Hank, they're not really ok with their child being different or unpopular. Rather than teaching him to embrace his uniqueness,

I don't know about your re-diagnosis of Max, but the kid is definitely acting not just inappropriately but physical aggressive. He tried to push Sarah from her computer and then sat on her when that didn't work! Yet Adam & Kristina can't handle explaining to Max how incredibly wrong that is!

They really are The Worst. The only thing more annoying than these two is the fact that the show seems to expect that other characters and the viewers accept Adam & Kristin as The Best. Although I do sort of enjoy being so annoyed by two fictional characters. Lord knows, we're all acquainted with a Mr. & Mrs. High and