
Did you see his username?

A+ satire

I read your name as TamponBeeAtch and I enjoyed it.

This probably sounds sad but I don’t freeze anymore. It’s happened too many times that I’m ready for it. I wasn’t the first couple times but I am now. This guy tried to rape me last year- he literally jumped out from behind some bushes at a park one night. I was fucking ready. I’m not much of a fighter but he was

I started absentmindedly trying to grab my business through my clothing as I read this on my phone in the other hand. Just trying to get an idea of how one does “grab a pussy”.

I wasn’t raised with some of my siblings. Without going into too much detail, I think it’s a thing. I’m not deluded though. I realize how profoundly bizarre and hard if not impossible to understand for other people.


I’m picturing some really weird hate sex fanfiction right now

Dead. Just dead.

But was it monogrammed

Miley needs to shut the fuck up and Sediuk needs to go die in a ditch.

Hi, Renee and Scott.

It’s both. I know this because of the Narnia books and because my brother tells gross stories.

Part of me feels like in his mind this is as close as he could get to fucking the female version of himself. He’s such a narcissist it makes sense to me.

I scrolled back up to look and was like “....fair enough."

Have you seen some of the pictures of him with Tiffany though? Ewww. Not saying he’s a child molester but definitely not pictures I’d ever have taken with my dad who also wasn’t very involved in my life.


Thank you for saying this so well. Agreed.

It’s very hard to speak in a lower than natural voice.

He’s supposed to sound black?