
I’m an addict too and it’s always helpful to hear about the struggle from someone who doesn’t look like Gary Busey’s mugshot and who makes cultural contributions that don’t necessarily have anything to do with addiction. She was a good human.

Me too! Tomorrow we will visit one of those women, my great aunt. When I was a kid she was always either traveling or just came back from a holiday- i wanted to grow up to be her! Now she is sadly not in good health, but she gets so many visitors and a lot of help from friends and extended family , so she can stay at

There are absolutely problems with being single — it’s just that as a society we tend to exaggerate those claims while ignoring the benefits, and we do the opposite for relationships. Particularly for women.

I hope this doesn’t sound glib, but the best thing I ever did for loneliness was adopting dogs. On two fronts — I have amazing little creatures who love me more than life itself and who makes me so stupidly happy it’s hard to truly express (there’s truly no creature more loyal and loving than a dog, particularly a

My boyfriend and I were once told by his neighbor (a man in his 60s who seems to be in a very miserable marriage) that we need to get married and have a kid soon because “who’s gonna take care of you?” I was like, “That’s a really selfish reason to have children. I’m gonna go with a hard NO on that one, have a great

I can’t imagine a worse reason to maintain a relationship – or bring children into the world – than my perceived financial self-interest.

It’s not the same thing in that it actually is a definite problem, but your piece reminds me of the way people react when I say that I’m sick* and I won’t be getting better for the foreseeable future – maybe never. Giving up on living a normal life was the greatest relief I’ve ever experienced, and as my family and I

How to be perfectly unhappy

Love comes in so many forms. The idea that one needs to be in a sexual relationship within the bonds of marriage aimed at procreation in order to experience love is something I reject as well.

My aunt is single, never been married, has no kids, and took early retirement. She now draws her pension and also teaches kids with learning difficulties part time. She travels with her friends or alone (she has a youth hostel card and makes use of it!), dyes her hair mad colours and goes to shows/conventions for

Just remember, for everything you’re “missing” a married woman is “missing” something that you have. I have been single for extended periods of time and I’ve been in relationships for extended periods of time. Both have pros and cons, they’re just different, and appeal to people differently.
Enjoy your solitude,

Thank you, Aimée, for this piece. It’s a wonderful expression of how we are meant to feel like our lives are still and empty because we aren’t in a relationship or aren’t pursuing one.

Sorry. But you voted for Trump, you voted for the whole package. I’m willing to explain why I voted for Clinton’s best and worst attributes (tomorrow, I’m going to bed now). Trump voters aren’t allowed to shrug away the disgusting shit he’s proposing.

Solidarity on feeling fear about bringing kids into this world. 3 months ago we were joking about bringing our own hypothetical Blasian Simone Biles into the world, and now I’m thinking about calling my doctor to switch from Skyla to Mirena just to be sure I outlast this presidency.

I live in a predominantly white, Jewish community. And I am terrified every damn day that I’m going to go to temple one day and be confronted with a group of these psychopaths because they seem to be popping up everywhere. I’m afraid to wear my Star around my neck. I’m afraid to exist in the world.

That heil photo is a beautiful example of Trump supporters being NOT the struggling working-class voter deserving of our “empathy”. We were in Ogunquit this weekend surrounded by loud, drunken, gun-toting Republicans who just happened to be filthy rich. On average Trump voters earn just a bit above the average voter.

Please stop with the “alt-right.” They are neo-nazis. White supremacists. White Nationalists. Take your pick. But do not use the language they adopted to hide who they really are.

STOP calling them Alt Right!!! They are NEO NAZIS!! The fact that they’ve given themselves a harmless sounding name does not change what they truly are.

Asking women to stop their misogyny (which is often a tactic to ingratiate themselves to the oppressors) instead of asking men to stop their misogyny gets it backwards. Women wouldn’t need to be misogynistic if men didn’t hate women. I will defend every woman against gendered attacks because it defends us all.

There seems to be a correlation between trump supporters and white chocolate mochas. Not even joking.