
Something has to reflect light back onto the camera lens...

Next time I have an orgasm I really want to say, "Take 3 Satisfaction Tokens from the Intimacy Pool" but I'd just be talking to myself.

Or you could just wear it while biking.

Does it come in black?

k-hole. I like how tour mind works.

I don't know about that, that seems pretty original to me. I've watched decades of television and movies and I can't ever recall a scenario where someone had to download software from a plane in flight to a speeding car situated laptop via a dangling ethernet cable.

Maybe you did write it.

I think at this point, the protocol for writing an original tv show has to be sought out rather than something that is in their possession that they disregard. I tire of the formulaic crap in a lot of shows.

What gets me is that there is very clear protocol for aircraft if this sort of communication failure happens, and the writers just threw reality out the window.

That is dangerously close to a backdoor brag. But good for you anyway.

B)Well, since it's six pointed, it could be called Sexy Armor. Sexagonal=Sexy. That should appease a religious fundamentalist, shouldn't it?

Now you can say "yes" without feeling like you're trolling him.

There's dinosaurs right now.

And you said, "Yes, yes there were dinosaurs when I was young," and are now totally awesome in that 5-year-old's eyes.

I call it 'life'.

That newspaper thing tho.

Well at least they haven't figured out heart transplants.

Pointing out your ignorance isn't trolling. But you sure do come off as a dick.

You might want to check out the actual definition for "troll", and chill out while you're at it. Also, longsword fencing is not a competitive sport, but purely a martial art.

This sounds like a Bond movie...