This is silly, we're not going to get in a war in the Pacific.
This is silly, we're not going to get in a war in the Pacific.
are you that much of a simpleton?
Because isolationism always works so very well. Hide and hope the rest of the scary world just goes away...
"It's not glamourized, it's just performed by the most beautiful people possible in faux-grimy sets with strangely erotic dark lighting..."
"Girls", where the sometime-hell of sexual relations is approached with wit, complexity, and meaningful satire..."
you are wrong about, well, pretty much everything you've said. i could go point by point, demonstrating to you how little you understand about the comments you made… but i doubt it would do any good. and i don't have that amount of time. so let me simply request that you stick to topics you know more about. which…
Dikes. They're going to build dikes. Not "dykes," which are something else entirely.
The right wing populist strain comes mostly from the plain!
The proper follow-up to "I'm not a scientist" is supposed to be "so I'll trust those who are", not "and I refuse to believe any science that is bad for my wallet or my re-election prospects".
Funny, he's not an economist, military strategist, accountant, teacher or a doctor, yet he has to discuss and make policy on those matters as well, and I don't recall him giving that answer when expressing opinions on those topics. That's because it's his job, as an elected official, to use the expertise available…
I knew it was coming and I'm still shaking.
First, this is the best article I've read about Reid so far.
That's some sweet fucking shit right there. So much so that I need profanity to disguise the tenderness.
put the glue down, son.
Note: this explanation assumes said White Russian was made with whole milk instead of cream. Carry on.
Hoo boy, you were making a halfway decent point (or at least a bad point made well), at least until you underestimated exponential growth. Here's a simple calculation - starting figure assumed 320 blades per square-inch, 1/5 acre lawn, two figures I found in lots of places via Google. The rate of loss doubles each…
I'd love to make a deal with you. I have here a chessboard. On the first square you put one penny the first day. Day two you put two pennies on square two. I will pay you a billion dollars to complete the chessboard. Deal?
I guess you should be happy that there weren't pseudoscience fanatics proclaiming "the science is settled", huh?
You shut your hole! Every single frame of that movie is a MASTERPIECE!
Just like a man. Promise her something / deliver something else.