
The second she stops winning, her cats will kill her for the inheritance.

The Guardian comments can be surprisingly vile ... not funny vile, like here, or cutting, just really really awful, like clever people with no sense of humor who only know how to be shitty.

One can only imagine the chance of approval a new transportation device would have if it came with the kind of death rates automobiles do. Say we invented a teleporter but said to people “Around 30,000 of you in the USA would step in, but actually not appear alive at the far end.” Uptake would not be universal.

How very DARE you!

Emilia took a stand a wee while back that post Season 3 she would not, as they used to say back home, be “getting her baps oot” on the show any more. Good for her: no peens, no baps.

And in the Kardashians’ many households, a brief and rare moment of total and utter mystified silence.

And The Tunnel’s own celeb owners, of course! Ah, happy days!

I have NEVER heard that .... it may have been a better choice for my own name

Volcano!!!! I feel young again!

It is a delicious term ... naive, almost

Chatty’s!!! I forgot about that place!

Scots-Irish - a heady cocktail

It’s not meant kindly - from my earliest memory of it it was a daring insult for kids to hurl - suggesting, I think, that the object of the term possessed both male and female genitalia ... it was always pretty funny and so I reclaimed it....

This. Is. Jezebel.

Bawbag, bawheid and cuntybaws are all gems.

Eddin-buh-ruh might be one way of explaining it....

Certainly, I have developed a poker face over the years when listening to people’s Scottish accents.

I fear I have lowered the tone. The Tunnel should only ever be mentioned in a whisper amongst one’s closest friends.

I learned very early not to be a smart-arse/bawheid in the company of drunk Scottish ladies. That was a good lesson anyways.

I think “pagger”has fallen from use. I escaped involvement only because of my east-coast bafflement.