Billary Blinton

What exactly is your argument that Joe Flacco is “elite”

In non physical sports, tennis golf baseball, I don’t understand what the fuck is a matter, if she’s good enough, why would they discriminate against her, especially since he high school doesn’t have a girls team. I mean what the absolute fuck is wrong with people.

Kunty Komment from Keuchel, jesus just because you got out pitched doesn’t mean you need to be a Krab. Khrist.

On another note, the rangers look fucking brutal on defense.

Yep. I agree

This runs deep..doesn’t it

Well....we didn’t want him anyway.. I’m going to go cry and look at pictures of Mr. Met flipping fans off now.

I only watched the first episode. Def got to watch it all now.

I mean Ben mcadoo does look like a serial rapist. But I was shitposting. Is Weinstein considered a serial rapist? Can he be convicted?

Is this an offensive joke? I get it, I think it’s funny, but does anyone outside of Hollywood get upset? Actors don’t even watch football do they?

Got it, cunt

This is why I said this specifically, there is NO time limit. As long as he is supplanted in the box and not tagged, he’s a runner, once he left the dirt to go back to home plate, then he is out.

Okay so two things....

With this and Barstool, who knew massachussets men were such undeniable scumbags? How do you like them apples?

I mean, I’m not surprised. This is Barstool sports we’re talking about. They’re about as low on the journalism scale as you can go. I mean they exploit women for clicks every single day, but they pander to 17-25 year old boys.

Fuck ESPN. And fuck Jerry Jones, the notion that he’d rather have someone that almost murdered his partner then someone peacefully protesting makes me absolutely sick.

What exactly is the argument against kneeling to protest social injustice as Kap was directed to do by a member of the armed services? I’m just missing why people get so upset because of it.

I can’t believe this is a penalty, you can destroy someone’s knees, layout a dude where he’s standing motionless on the field, but you pull your hand back, make a fucking joke, they’re obviously friends, it’s not like Von pushes him back down to the turf and spits on him, nope it’s a penalty. 15 yards for what?

I picked the rams straight up and I had 49ers getting 3. ‘‘Twas a good night

Gotta be a one-onethousand count, he went too quick (like most young men) it’s a balk.