Billary Blinton

You’re forgetting that Familia had already blown 2 saves in that series

I’ve looked at this throw 7-8 times and I can’t understand how he got it that on target. Incredible fucking throw.

Blame Contreras, he’s the one that caught it like a dipshit, how is it the umpires fault that Contreras caught it ridicolously bad, that’s not a strike to me either.

Emma, do you think this might be because WEEI and their listeners have called Adam Jones a liar for what he said he was called at Fenway, months after other players and the Red Sox confirmed what Jones said happened to him. Fuck Christian Fauria, Lou Merloni and Glenn Ordway.

It definitely looks like the ball is thrown from what I see, but it doesn’t matter anymore anyway

I think the 5 La Rams fans that went to the game were pissed. Don’t worry

It’s not even about Kearse. It’s about the second rounder. They wanted value for a guy they weren’t going to resign because he didn’t shut the fuck up. You say loljets but this is the best they could do in a shitty situation

My grandmother died of mesothelioma and my grandpa got a good amount of money for it, and still collects on it. So if you know someone diagnosed with mesothelioma, do it up.

Why is this kid such a cunt.

What’s a cool tidbit, and something that I saw and do see, John McEnroe seems to be persistent on young kids playing and developing through the USTA facility in Orlando, something Donald Young, and some other Americans failed to do, he was adamant about how much better Tiafoe looks from last year, and I give the kid

CBS has slotted them twice against the patriots (Tom Brady needs to bang a 3 to appreciate a 9)

I will make an 100 dollar bet with you the jets win 3 games or more. Bring it on

His father and uncle are boxing lifers so he is as well. He’s the golden child of the sport, something boxing embodies and hopes for (an undefeated champion). In his prime, he was impossible to hit, and that kind of defense is a spectacle to watch, he even put on good fights in his later 30's. I think a large portion

I’m surprised someone in a Boston Celtics hat would say that. Didn’t they get unracist last week?

You guys are so jaded. That fight was a blast to watch. Mayweather kicked his ass at the end but we saw Mayweather throw fists in his 40's against a guy that’s in his prime, Conor was great too. He knew he was gonna run out of gas and he just went for it in the first three to four rounds. There was no way this fight

Don’t tell me how to spend my money, this week my wife doesn’t get a meal out, she hasn’t to sit on the couch and have me scream at a crazy white man and a rich black man avoid throwing punches for 12 rounds so they both make millions upon millions.

Do you think Native Americans have something to do with it

The Mets didn’t do shit. Steven Matz has had arm injuries since before the Mets drafted him. His elbow has been operated on already a couple of times I believe. This is a simple case of a kid crying wolf a couple times and the Mets telling him that guys pitch through injuries, and now it’s gotten bad enough that he’s

Better title might have been: Browns (and white guy) kneel for National Anthem.

If that kid is playing in the second quarter of the second game he’s definitely not getting cut