“Don’t forget to bring a towel!”
“Don’t forget to bring a towel!”
the goths are truly immortal
Thanks for stearing us in the right direction
Nah, we learned that in K-12 so we’re good.
Jesus fucking Christ people. The point of the article is that the system is sadistically setup to make parents paying child support fail and it disproportionately affects minorities.
What an excuse, you may like that she can talk, but the rest of us know she can’t walk. In fact, she has turned her back on the disenfranchised and ran to the embrace of the oppressors.
Everyone please star Charmed so all the Hillary Hags can stfu about it.
Berniebros are tired of the Hillsteria (Hysterally?)
Pretty sure the Cruz campaign would have called her a bagina
“Here’s how I feel about gays in the military: Anyone... dumb enough... to want to be in the military... should be allowed in. End of fucking story. That should be the only requirement. I don’t care how many push-ups you can do – put on a helmet, go wait in that fox hole. We’ll tell you when we need you to kill…
totally believable, unfortunately
It’s definitely not in the E. This is my discipline and the numbers are appalling.
Another industry with terrible numbers is Construction.
For the actual construction itself, it’s obvious not many woman are working there. However, in building design and construction management, it is overwhelming dominated by men too. I work as an engineering consultant to architects and every meeting I go to is 10…
Tell him that you’re never gonna squeeze one off if he doesn’t shut the fuck up.
That’s pretty fucking American right there. Her or Kim
I’ve been saying this for years. We desperate need a ban on all windows larger than 4” square and instant background checks for all window installations. Also, lock your damn windows!
The heinous, unjustified, unprovoked murder of black babies must end #blackbabiesmatter