Stop it.
Stop it.
Spencer Ware (2013 6th round) and Alex Collins (2016 5th round) have produced – just not for the team that drafted them.
8 year olds dude.
His fan base is 8-14 year olds whose parents likely follow and watch equally juvenile Twitch streamers.
Bubb Rubb.
Fuck you, you’re getting a fucking penalty.
They do. Just type when you search Google and you will not see results from Penterest.
Wouldn’t have happened at Wrigley!
I’ve lived a mostly commercial-free life for the last 3 years, so I remain blissfully unaware of this reference.
This was the 405 just below the Getty and across from UCLA this morning.
We’re all just laughing now cause this guys daughter’s a whor’a?
+Jim Ross:
Heh, heh – mule.
Stop buying fake money with your real money.
bengal fifteen say
So much this.