An East Coast equivalent would be the Nationals moving to Baltimore and Bryce Harper taking an Uber to every game.
who is your team now?
Mom sucks too:
Epstein was hired in 2011. He burned the team to the ground for 3 seasons, made the playoffs in the 4th and won a WS in his 5th. How is half a decade ‘ahead of schedule’?
This is the moment he catches the throw. His body is positioned outside the base path with his left foot just barely intruding.
Aaron Judge is eligible for arbitration after 2019. If he plays at this level next season the Yankees will likely get him signed to a long term deal to avoid arbitration. He’ll be 28.
Well worth a viewing – the entire Every Frame A Painting Series is spectacular.
I was referring to casting a black super hero lead in a Marvel film.
Spawn was released in 1997. Blade (Marvel) in 1998.
He was running flat out through the bag to beat out an infield single. As he nears the bag he observes the 1B out of position on what is likely an errant throw, sees the ball misplayed while crossing the base and takes about two and a half strides before decelerating to change direction for a turn to second – this all…
No. $60k was net revenue for the Fyre company pre-festival sales not the revenue from Fyre Festival tickets sales.
The Producer would likely be an independent contractor of a third party production company – not an employee of NBC. As most do, their deal memo (contract) would likely include some mutually indemnifying verbiage related to sexual conduct while on the production.
Almost all Producers working on a television show are freelance contractors who have signed some version of an ICA, or Independent Contractors Agreement with the production company that has been hired by the network to produce their show. These will typically include some rather firm language regarding sexual conduct,…
Tolls, parking fees et al. are typically paid for by the driver and then charged to the rider through a reimbursement. I fly from/into Burbank occasionally and Ubers are required to stage in the short term lot which has a small parking fee. Drivers swipe their credit card at the gate and then the amount is added to my…
Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, No
When our President uses Twitter we be like:
Meanwhile, the Jets get cheap mediocre depth at ILB.