Phil Kessel Run
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Counterpoint – Ryan Gosling is talented as fuck and your take is dumb.
To wit:

“Coop is in the death process.”

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Apropos of Gosling’s voice, he fronted a fairly unknown yet startlingly strong musical project about 7 or 8 years ago that’s worth a listen. The Silverlake Children’s Choir provided many of the backing tracks. It all (somehow) works wonderfully.

Read the First Amendment again.

Holy shit, my underclassmen years at CU just came flying back. The Church.

At 3,500 acres and 400 inches annually, Mammoth should be in top 5.

Build more beaches?

Well stated.

The same values and ideologies which act as a catalyst for people to move to cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco from the fly-over states are those with which they vote. Your take suggests that the ‘millions’ who ‘escaped’ the ‘midwest’ for ‘economic and social reasons’ would vote differently had they not moved

Cheers mate! Although maybe one too many glasses of wine when I wrote that – as it appears I forgot how to use punctuation or write readable sentences.

Wow, noted!

I had not, but after a quick Google search I fail to see how it relates to the topic of long airport layovers and security lines (or the lack thereof) and their impact in leaving airport terminals or the price of concessions.

That was my take away, but is it really a zero sum game?

We’ve digressed, but I was using anecdotal evidence in response to your comment and support my position. Let’s play nice ey?

Totally. But people aren’t sneaking off to the iconic In-N-Out because it’s cheaper than airport concessions, nor do I believe quicker security times would result in a mass exodus from the terminal or cheaper airport prices. 

I understand – I travel internationally several times a year. On my last trip to England I took advantage of such a layover in Dublin to explore the city. But therein lies my point, it’s silly to blame passing through security again and any additional time it takes to do so as the reason for higher airport prices. I

Right, but how is going through security again a deterrent to leaving the airport in that scenario?   

Just want to make sure I understand this. Are you saying that because governments subsidize the operating costs of airports (using funds from taxes on the associated costs of air travel) a soft pretzel should be cheaper?

I’m sorry, but this is asinine. What city or scenario would it benefit a traveler to leave the terminal and return for a flight? I can’t think of a situation, layover or delay where the prospect of the extra 20 or 30 minutes of security would be the prohibiting factor in making this decision.

If I charted a list of songs playing when a young lady was kindly enough to get naked with me in college, Five For Fighting – Superman would likely live in the top 5.