Stop! That’s na’cho cheese!
Do week 1 losses not count?
What exactly is the baseline for a Gronkowski concussion protocol test?
Re: Coen’s – Their filmmaking broken down by the incredible Every Frame A Painting series.
35 year old, casual gamer with a few weeks off between contracts and turning to the experts for some good PS4 recommendations. I’ve seen a bunch of indie titles in the store, but with limited schedule I don’t want to dive into something I won’t enjoy. Me:
I’d argue the original programming produced by both HBO and Netflix the past couple years is lightyears ahead of films and shows being released by the major studios and networks. In the last year alone you have: Bloodline, Narcos, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Daredevil, Master of None, Love, House of Cards among a…
+1 Extra point from a CU class of 03' grad.
There’s an ‘Info’ button that displays the name of the artist and track.
If my memory serves me, it was Elin – not Tiger who got in one last punch.
Bill was the Gramatica who tore his ACL while celebrating. Martín was the one who kicked for Tampa and had the terrible hair cut.
I personally adhere to the “four sentence rule”. If an email requires more than four sentences or doesn’t have a specific call to action, it should probably be a phone call. However, depending on who will be on the other end of the phone or the scope of your ask, the “Pick up the goddamned phone and call them”…
It’s nice to hear my mother-in-law getting along so well with the housekeeper.
You’re right, he was Nick Foles good.
I vaguely remember when Whisenhunt was OC a few years ago, Rivers actually had a decent year. Lots of three-step-drop play calls, quick reads. Not the “dropping back 11 steps” you mentioned. But, good try though.
When not blaming the coach, San Diego fans love bringing up the fumble game, failing to remember they were beat by both Mark Sanchez and Chad Pennington in playoff games at home.
2009, The 13-3 Chargers lose at home against Mark Sanchez (!) who had Braylon Edwards and Jerricho Cotchery as his starting wide receivers.…
My pleasure mate. Careful to not fall down the rabbit hole!
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