There’s a difference between thinking of something and bringing it up when you know it’s just a distraction.
There’s a difference between thinking of something and bringing it up when you know it’s just a distraction.
I never said that Greenwald was directly employed by the ACLU. Perhaps I should have used the term “alongside” rather than “with.”
Considering most of Sanders supporters have since abandoned him on many, many issues (including supporting Biden) I really doubt there’s a “cult of personality” as you suggest.
Sanders was literally the only alternative to Biden, so it very much was “Bernie or Bust.”
As a leftist desperate for Medicare for All, I personally hate President Biden.
Greenwald worked with the ACLU on freedom of speech with Nazis, so if you want to take issue with his championing civil rights then you should also take issue with the ACLU.
Greenwald is gay, though, so it’s probably neither of those for him.
Biden is personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, yet we still have to work with him.
Sanders supporters are far more willing to criticize him and push him left than the supporters of any other politician.
It’s not the same.
What is this supposed to prove?
If a journalist hasn’t “look[ed] much into it,” then they shouldn’t report it let alone commentate on it.
The Notorious RBG meme is purely liberal/centrist. True leftists never put RBG on a pedestal because we knew how conservative she was.
Biden has on many occasions declined his support for court-packing.
There was already a more expensive version of the spicy tostada, the double tostada. That left the menu last year.
She was photographed eating In N Out while reading a book on CIA agents. She wasn't exactly hiding.
He ran for president alongside his wife in 2016. They're a package deal.
Luckily very few Crash levels utilize that perspective.
While that scenario might offer brief catharsis, remember that Pence is much more liked by the Republican base and much more likely to beat Biden.
How are the characters handled differently? From what I recall, other then Ed/Al, everyone ends up in pretty much the same place.