
Thats just the premise of the first two books in the Dune series. The later books are much closer in theme to Foundation, though the execution is much different.

Yeah, I like shows where there's different costumes.

Try watching more than one episode before dismissing the entire show.

Luckily very few Crash levels utilize that perspective.

I must've missed it because watching the trailer I thought Rasputin was working with the rest of the heroes. 

While that scenario might offer brief catharsis, remember that Pence is much more liked by the Republican base and much more likely to beat Biden.

Oh yes. Russia is a very large and diverse country. I can believe that.

If I hadn’t already read the books I might welcome this take, but as I'm familiar with the series it really does feel like an adaptation that misses what drew fans to begin with.

Disney really botched the overarching story by removing Artemis’s criminal genius.

At least in the early books (I’ve yet to finish the series) Artemis had neither magical abilities or a destiny.

It’s so strange they changed Commander Root’s gender from male to female considering fairy culture is described as sexist and patriarchal.

Same. The (early) books didn’t have much depth or world-building, but it really feels like Disney flattened most of the unique elements that very much defined the character of the series.

Butler’s ethnic origin wasn’t exactly ambiguous. He was established as Russian. Even his first name (a plot-relevant reveal) is Slavic.

Yeah, it’s hard to see how Artemis can grow as a character if he’s already a relatively well-rounded and happy person.

TLA is only three seasons long. Many fans feel the third season is much too rushed, especially when setting up threads that come together by the climax.


Er, sorry: the montage was developed with*out* Solomon or Matheson's input!

According to Solomon, the “behind the music” end montage was developed by a titles company with his or Matheson's input, so it won't be considered canon for the Face the Music story.

For awhile, it was reported there was to be both a Matrix 4 and a Morpheus-led prequel.

Me too. Very pleasantly surprised.