
You’re seriously deflecting policy criticisms of Clinton by joking about child sex abuse?

I’m aware of Sanders’ party identification.

Sanders was affiliated with the Democratic Party long before running for president, so that's really no comparison to Democrat Trump switching parties the year of.

Do you not know that the population trends upward? Of course Clinton received more votes than Gore.

You’re re-writing history. More Clinton primary voters went on to vote McCain in the general than did Sanders primary voters went on to vote Trump.

Democrats and Republicans are not the only voters. Sanders' independent status helps him with unaffiliated voters. It's why he polls so much better in general election polls than primary polls. That's exactly what we need to defeat Trump.

Clinton is 100% wrong about the accomplishments of Bernie "The Amendment King" Sanders.

If Sanders had conceded prior to the convention then he would’ve lost all his delegates and not been able to reform the DNC.

Sanders has worked with the Democratic Party for decades and sits on Democratic leadership. What are you even talking about?

Why don't you think Sanders could work with Congress and the Senate when he's a famed pragmatic known for his bipartisan compromises?

The CFPB has been a revolving door, so it doesn’t exactly speak to Warren’s judgment.

Sanders has a long, long list of accomplishments. He's not known as the Amendment King for nothing!

Sanders is criticized by his supporters far more than any other candidate. How, exactly, is a movement built on “Not me, Us” a cult of personality?

Obama didn't even attempt to wrangle Democrats, so how do you know use of the bully pulpit wouldn't work?

Sanders is a famed pragmatic known for compromise and building coalitions. He worked with John McCain to bring healthcare to hundreds of thousands of veterans in need.

The CFPB has been a revolving door, so it doesn’t exactly speak to Warren’s judgment.

Unions want healthcare off the table so they can then focus on pushing for higher wages and better benefits.

And where are all of Warren’s appointees for the CFPB working now?

FDR’s policies decimated black poverty to the extent black wealth continued to transfer down families until Obama’s policies destroyed any stability.

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