
Trump got the idea from Bastille Day in France during his meeting with Macron.

The CIA was founded in 1947, exactly long enough to engage in colonial acts.

I should hope so. Most if not all nations are guilty of colonization, Wakanda included.

Heretics and Chapterhouse are at least as good as the rest of the series and twice as fun.

Bilbo was called a colonist because he's CIA, not because he's white.

Rat owners love corn cobs!

There’s actually an old science-fiction story in which a group of Israeli mercenaries secretly travel to South America where they capture Hitler and due to the media circus awaiting them at the airport they decide to hold the trial there despite being warned not to let Hitler speak.

The reaction of She the People was ridiculous. Ask any average American their thoughts on booing someone for marching alongside with MLK and they’d be utterly baffled.

Warren might have a lot of policy proposals, but not all of them are especially good. Many are quite neoliberal and regressive.

There’s no indication that Warren is pulling support from Sanders.

Maybe they didn't entirely hate it but believe they can doctor it up a bit in there home kitchen.

I don’t think it’s so simple that the Roman Empire collapsed solely because it converted to Christianity.

You’re responding to an eight month-old comment.

I liked Get Out and Us, but any comparison to Hereditary is a hype-killer.

Harris is also the only Indian candidate, yet she never brings it up.

Jimmy Carter writes and sells books. Its literally the only ethical means of profiting off political service.

A far more valid criticism of ThinkProgress and Neera Tanden would be their constant smearing of Tulsi Gabbard, which has been far worse than any other progressive candidate.

This is actually the second time they've done it!

Very true!

Of course!