
I’m not sure, but I can definitely make a note of it so we can follow-up in a year!

Sanders has a strong base of women and PoC supporters that will most definitely help him win the South. It’s actually kind of racist for your to erase the many, many marginalized supporters of the Sanders campaign. It’s bigger than him.

It won’t be as difficult this time for Sanders to win a majority of delegates because there’ll be more candidates.

Sanders was running against Clinton in ‘16. Now that there’s no Clinton, the black vote has no candidate to consolidate behind.

Do you follow /r/AskHistorians? There’s been several discussions on the Roman Empire and its Emperors that specifically delves into the propaganda involved in regime change.

It’s not about inability to grow it. This was literally the style of the time. There’s even historical records that recommend a clean-shaven face to prevent an enemy from grabbing the beard during battle; a “neckbeard” is a purely ceremonial statement that preserves masculinity and maintains defense strategy.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not exactly reparations either. This is why Sanders knows the concept of reparations is divisive because its an effective, confusing cudgel of identity politics.

Why specify pitbull owners when pitbulls are no more likely to maul a child than any other breed of dog?

In its attempt to tell yet another Netflix story about superheroes, The Umbrella Academy falls into the twin traps of being too long and spending far too much time telling rather than showing us why we’re meant to care about its characters.

Leftists in the U.S. also want a leftist president to pack the court. What’s your point?

The U.N. and Red Cross condemn the U.S. providing “aid” to Venezuela specifically because it could lead to exactly what happened. This is on The United States, not Maduro.

Why would you mention Harris’ Jamaican father as evidence against black heritage when it’s Harris’ mother that is Tamil Indian and the heritage that Harris seems to be ignoring?

This is a great piece that explains exactly how the concept of reparations is divisive and a useful cudgel for preventing any real change:

Ironically, But I’m A Cheerleader was criticized at the time (mostly by the mainstream media, though also queer media) for stereotyping and being a “John Waters-knockoff.”

I’m sure Obama doesn’t want Biden to run because he fears that would tarnish his legacy while he’s still young and grifting.

Clinton lost to a reality game show host. She was not the better candidate. Lincoln Chafee would’ve been a better candidate.

Why are you arguing that Trump is further right than McCain? If anything, McCain was further right than Trump.

More people that voted for Sanders in the ‘16 primary went on to vote for Clinton than Clinton primary voters would vote fir Obama in ‘08.

Sanders literally did all of that while Clinton in ‘08 was awaiting the assassination of Obama.