
Although most characters in the series are ambiguously described, I and many other fans always imagined Duncan to have dark skin, if not African features.

This doesn’t jive with him ruining his ex-wife’s film career.

Warren isn’t Native American, so no matter how much she was “bullied” by the President, it really shouldn’t have bothered her.

Warren isn’t Native American, so no matter how much she was “bullied” by the President, it really shouldn’t have bothered her.

Warren has claimed tribal membership before, which is why she’s apologizing specifically to the Cherokee Nation.

He’s the most popular politician in the nation and one of the few candidates with a built-in campaign network. Why not?

The character Chani is biracial, much like Zendaya, so this is very good casting!

Yep. The "geriatric drug" melange.

The age gap isn’t such a big deal since within the Dune universe Spice is considered a geriatric drug that prolongs youth and extends life.

Once again, Maduro did not threaten to withhold subsidies. Maduro was very clearly expressing the likely fact that the neoliberal/right-wing opposition would repeal those subsidies if they were to win.

The Carter Center considers the Venezuelan elections to have been valid. Disliking the results does not mean the election was rigged.

Too many centrist candidates will prevent any from consolidating the left vote, allowing a true leftist candidate to get through.

She’s 100% right, though. Why should a colonial, racist police-state have a right to existence? Israel is committing ethnic cleansing, if not genocide, against the Palestinians.

Clinton’s campaign had just as much sexual harassment if not more and they covered it up. The Sanders campaign is miles ahead in terms of integrity.

Who gives a shit? Is sexual harassment, Medicare-For-All, a $15 minimum wage, and so much more not immensely more important than Russian foreign policy?

This is exactly it. The SyFy miniseries may have been more faithful to the books than Lynch’s adaptation, but the costuming and sets betrayed the limited budget. There just wasn’t the same sense of scope brought with Lynch’s interpretation.

No one turned out to vote Sanders in the California ‘16 primary not because enthusiasm had waned but because AP called the nomination for Clinton the day before based off superdelegates.

It’s one of the smallest states, so it’s very easy to campaign in every single district/county. I agree that Iowa shouldn’t as important as other states, but its a good test-case for a candidates campaigning skill.

Or it could be the bit about earn their way to the middle-class.

Leopoldo López is corrupt and was rightfully barred from political office.