I did. What gives you the impression I didn't?
I did. What gives you the impression I didn't?
And this is after the last centrist challenger dropped out due to her husband facing corruption charges.
Your context is racist bullshit considering the vast racial gentrification of New Orleans.
Build more public schools, not charter schools. It very well is siphoning money.
Exactly. Politics is about power, now cathartic partisanship.
I just do not understand the bizarre obsession with Greenwald and why so many misrepresent his views.
This is it. My partner has side salads all the time. It gets very boring quickly.
Gouda is my second least favorite cheese, following provolone.
Why don’t you politely ask your mother to break the turkey down and cook it separately?
It sounds dry because they’re cooking the entire bird whole instead of broken down.
The trick is to break down the turkey and cook each component at different times and temperatures.
Yes. RBG should have resigned during Obama’s presidency when he had a supermajority and could’ve appointed anyone. It’s RBG’s own fault for putting herself in such a delicate situation.
Crowley was a Republican. There was no chance of him ever passing legislation that would actually accomplish anything.
Reinstating a committee is not nearly adequate enough to address the coming climate apocalypse. That is the minimum that Pelosi should be doing, so no credit is due until she goes further.
We won’t win unless we’re pure. It’s going to be a lot harder to maintain all these freshly won seats let alone gain new ones if we don’t take bold action now.
Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers is just as bad if not worse than Snyder’s Watchmen since the original novel was itself a satirical deconstruction of fascism.
The “alien” life form is from another dimension, not another planet, so having terrestrial DNA would not necessarily be a contradiction.
I’d rather Beto run for governor of Texas, though attempting the other senator seat is also a great idea.
Kamala “prison slave labor” Harris for president! Reminds me of the Clintons using prison slave labor while living in the Arkansas governor’s mansion!
Beto should be preparing to run for governor of Texas rather than president. His chances are much better and his ground-game is already established.