
The story is engaging, but the writing is not very poetic and oftentimes repetitive. If you find Rowling’s writing bad, you might not like Colfer’s.

Everyone is rightly pointing out that Butler is white in the novels, though I’d like to clarify that he’s more specifically Slavic Eurasian. It’s actually integral to his character and a specific plot-point in the third book, so changing his race to black is questionable.

I did. What gives you the impression I didn't?

And this is after the last centrist challenger dropped out due to her husband facing corruption charges.

Your context is racist bullshit considering the vast racial gentrification of New Orleans.

Build more public schools, not charter schools. It very well is siphoning money.

Exactly. Politics is about power, now cathartic partisanship.

Luckily the Artemis Fowl series has little to none romantic subplots. The series is firmly within the mystery/thriller genre rather than your more typical action-oriented YA.

An Artemis Fowl adaptation a decade ago might’ve kept a Russian Butler, but the current political climate seems to have made the decision to cast a black actor all the easier. I’m sure they would’ve regardless.

What would be worse for you? Inaccurate Irish accent or none at all?

This scene is majorly important both thematically and for the otherwise lack of action.

I believe in the first book there’s a scene where Butler dons a literal suit of armor and perhaps wields a mace, but no bow-and-arrow.

Maybe for fans of the series, but it never had much cultural cachet to begin with, so I can easily see the films standing on their own.

The title character Artemis became far less competent in the sequels. Even the first sequel The Arctic Incident sidelines him significantly. The rest of the series is essentially Artemis being more-or-less in over his head and suffering from the consequences of shortsighted decisions in the first book.

In the books, Pixies have wings but cannot use them as effectively as the mechanical wings for other wingless species.

I just do not understand the bizarre obsession with Greenwald and why so many misrepresent his views.

This is it. My partner has side salads all the time. It gets very boring quickly.

Gouda is my second least favorite cheese, following provolone.

Why don’t you politely ask your mother to break the turkey down and cook it separately?

It sounds dry because they’re cooking the entire bird whole instead of broken down.