
That’s a Christmas movie.

You’re describing a regressive tax. This would disproportionately affect the poor as the rich typically don’t drink soda.

My family has always made an “open-face” enchilada that’s essentially just a stacked tostada drowned in red sauce.

Yeah, I'm going to be very disappointed if aliens don't arrive to resurrect the Cooperative pair.

I’m not agreeing with your position because there certainly were African structures in antiquity, but I do want to mention that there is an “Out of India” theory as an alternative to “Out of Africa.”

Your reading comprehension is incredibly poor. Watson was right and there's no contradiction in their two articles.

Disneyland is popular with the poor because they might not get to go very often and only have childhood memories. Many people have never gone to Disneyland and feel left out due to their poverty.

Why didn’t Obama hold a press conference to shame Leiberman? Why did Obama grant Leiberman so much power?

I remember that fight as well and Obama did not push for single-payer. He gave up, if ever he cared at all.

Middle-Eastern terrorists would not exist if we hadn’t first trained, funded, and armed them, then dropped bombs on their countries.

The War in Iraq is ongoing until every last troop is removed. That has yet to happen, and in fact there are more troops overseas now than there was during the Bush presidency.

Okay, but what caused that obstructionist Congress if Obama won both the presidency and a super-majority of Democrats?

Healtcare is not the only thing that could help the poor and marginalized, but it would certainly make the largest difference.

Obama should have withdrawn all troops and not dropped a single bomb or fired a single drone. As he promised during the 2008 election.

Excuse me? I voted for Obama twice and have voted in every midterm and local election in my adult life. I voted in the 2016 election.

Because the alternative is much worse. That still does not make the healf-measure that is Obamacare a final solution to the healthcare crisis.

Trump’s mandate is that despite Clinton winning the popular vote the Democratic Party still hemorrhaged all the statewide and congressional seats necessary to hold power.

I never said Obama was a weak president. I said he was corrupt. I’m merely asking anyone that denies Obama’s corruption what the alternative is.

Every president that wins a first term does so with record turnout. Were talking about the fact that voters did not turn out for crucial midterms, which is indeed voter apathy caused by Obama and the Democratic Party breaking all their campaign promises.

No, Obama simply did not care about providing single-payer, so decided to forgo any real fight and expend all political capital on what was a deeply unpopular Heritage Foundation policy.