
Pizzagate started on 4chan and Reddit during the election, but it only blew up once Trump won. That’s when I started to see Clinton attached to the theory.

As misguided as the conspiracy theory is, Hillary Clinton is not typically associated with it. I haven’t seen a single person actually State their belief in her involvement. It’s just articles like these that casually mention it.

Trump is taking a pre-existing Chinese conspiracy and applying it to America. I don’t see how anything I said contradicts what Trump was attempting to articulate.

Trump did not say that climate change is a Chinese hoax. He said that China pushes the narrative that climate change is a Western hoax aimed at preventing full industrialisation of the Third World. China uses this as an argument against climate agreements.

So Clinton never had dinner with Putin while SOS? You’ll have to provide a source on that claim.

The Paris Climate Accord had a “set your own standards” system. Clinton may not have pulled put, but the environmental result would have been the same as now.

Hillary Clinton was literally at that same party. Was she working with Putin as well? Maybe he advised her not to campaign in Michigan...

Google is your friend:

Here you go. That’s a real image, btw.

Clinton is currently the most unpopular political figure in American opinion while Sanders is the most popular. I feel vindicated and hopeful.

Pulling out of NATO is a good tging. The Cold War is over. Clinton promised in the ‘90s to not expand NATO, but Bush and Obama broke that promise, leading to our current climate.

I was mistaken on the type of bomb, but Trump still bombed a Syrian military base. I did say military base, not caves.

In a vibrant democracy, everyone should be free to vote their preference and expect proportional representation. America is not a democracy. It’s an oligarchy that suppressed voting outside two institutional party structures.

I have yet to be asked for sourcing on any particular issue. I’ve brought up several topics. Be specific.

It sounds like you would rather them not run at all, let alone hold office.

Which is it? Should instead run for the presidency? Weren’t we just told they should run local? Sounds like moving the goalposts.

They hold offices. Clearly they’re satisfying at least one expected standard.

So they should instead run for the presidency? Weren’t we just told they should run local? Sounds like moving the goalposts.

The only sites you’ve listed I actually read are The Intercept and The Young Turks.

I’ve made two claims. Pick one and I’ll provide sources.

Bombing a Syrian military base with “the Mother of all bombs” and shooting down a Syrian fighter jet is “laying off” Syria?