Lollygagger Syndrome on Cunnilingus Rice

Just watch Chernobyl again instead.

I shall add age-shaming to the list of AVC hangups.

I, for one, welcome our new media overlords.

Disney plans on settling for an undisclosed amount...

Looking that good, she should be in everything.


Did you get your Jesus-like actors mixed up? Henry Cavill or Jim Caviezel?

It shines a whole new light on his iconic phrase “Here’s looking at you, kid”

It should read... better.

Call me when they develop the technology to de-shitify Chapter 1.

Having my way with your mother last night wasn’t an original idea either, but it was still quite enjoyable.

*dramatic music starts*

Jesus Christ that got dark quick. I can only assume your parents did a lot worse things than take you to Risky Business to deserve such vitriol.

First saw him in Hearts in Atlantis back around 2000 if I recall. Not a great movie, but he was great in it and you could tell he wasn’t going to be just another “child actor”. I shouldn’t have watched it drunk though - cried like a baby.

A Greek statue in a Roman museum? That’s the true tragedy here.

I know it’s a late reply but I have to agree. Aquaman was complete schlock. If that’s regarded as the “best” DC has to offer then holy shit. Even Man of Steel was better.

How’s that a win-win? If you’d paid for the ticket then pirated the Bluray release, I could understand. But watching a shitty cam version of a CGI-laden film seems like you’ve punished yourself more than anything else.

That would have been great. Maybe Archer as a small-town sheriff with Pam as his deputy, Krieger as saloon owner ...

A pretty decent episode with more laugh-out-loud moments like the previous episode. However, that montage took me right out of the moment. Archer “dies” and it looks like we’re gonna slowly cut to his hospital bed and him waking up, but we get a minute-long best of instead.

Phrasing, boom!