
“You can either flush it or set it free outside.”
Then, walk around the corner. Buy something in a small plastic container. Dump contents in trash. Go to the bathroom and wash it out and then dry it. Go find a fork, or just use a ballpoint pen and poke a bunch of holes in the lid. Put hamster in container. Gently

I was maybe 17 or so when this came out. Nicholson’s delivery in this scene cracked me up, and at the time, I didn’t even know what an enema was. (Once I figured that out, it brought out a whole new dimension to it.)

As an aside, how does one just embed the video? I’m old and all I can figure out to do with this is

No, I don’t think you get that this is worse. I am fairly sure that the game is to deliberately go and find a larger woman to have sex with. Some of these guys may ne attracted to such women or not; that’s not the point. The frat guyz aren’t shamed; the guy who bangs the biggest chick wins! It’s just a cruel joke for

Oh— I see. It’s funny. When I say it aloud, it totally makes sense. But reading it I just read it as a list of two things (with an understood “etc.” after): skipping takeout and not doing your oil. Now I get it.

not getting your oil changed

Indeed. And note, I had the added motivation that my significant other’s family are all Eagles fans. (She and I once went to a Cowboys game in Dallas. She wore her Eagles stuff and I wore my Cowboys stuff. The Cowboys got drubbed, but everyone was still nice to her. I don’t think I’d ever wear Cowboys stuff to a game

God, I rooted for the Eagles and celebrated their win last night.

I’ve felt for awhile that the HoF’s limits (basically 5 people, even though the league has grown considerably since that initial number was set) have created a logjam that won’t be resolved until they have a sort of jubilee year and expand the number of people allowed in to clear things out.

It’s worse than that. Because the reason he wants them to win is because he doesn’t want to deal with insufferable Boston fans in the event of a loss. Ok, fine. But what about the REST OF THE COUNTRY if they win? If you think being in the Boston area and dealing with sore loser Patriots fan after the NFL season is

I’ll disagree with this, since I’m not convinced at all that actually scoring touchdowns is the driving factor in why people watch games or follow football. And from an anecdotal perspective, I can say that I am so tired of the sandlot version of football we see now (and this may slant my initial argument). Like,

I just love the announcer’s tongue-in-cheek “just like they drew it up” line.

Oh, I get it. I’m a Clippers fan and watch just about every game.

A long time ago— but I swear I heard this— some analyst for a bowl game (I think) said— and I don’t even think I’m paraphrasing— “They are going to have to outscore [their opponent] to win.” In context, you knew that he was talking about how the team in question had a high-scoring offense, and so he was referring to

I run into this problem for a different reason. I travel often for work, and work take care of food but not booze. When I travel with co-workers, a typical situation is one where we order our food, and then I’ll get a few glasses of wine, and a co-worker will get a few glasses of whatever. At the end of the night, we

Well done!

There probably would be rampant minority nepotism ... except for the fact that the older generation never gets the chance in the first pace.

I’m a middle-aged man at 5'11" and a year ago, I tipped the scales at 240. There is a zero percent chance that motherfucking Trump is 6'3" and 239. I an now at 220, and it took a bit of working out, and even more just eating better to do that. (I still drink like a fish; if I cut that down I could easily drop another

I don’t know about tacos, but French’s yellow mustard goes great on french fries, much better than than Heinz ketchup.

I’ll jump in here and sort of agree with Mike here to an extent (though, perhaps he is making a different point). I will occasionally go on YouTube and find some “classic” match from when I was a kid— either WWF/WWE or NWA/WCW. I’ll even look for matches that were a little before my time, but that nevertheless

Oh, totally. I forgot about getting on the phone ca. 5 or 6 PM on Monday and calling all the rest of the league to tell them what the score was, and what they should be looking for with Monday Night Football.