
Preach it. I snored a lot and my girlfriend commented how disturbing it was to hear me sort of stop breathing for 15+ seconds and then gasp for air (I never knew this was happening). She finally said that if I didn’t address that, we were through. I got the sleep study (of course I had sleep apnea) and got the CPAP,

As Josh Marshall notes, there is some pretty damning evidence. Trump actually went on national TV and said, “and in fact, when I decided to just [fire Comey], I said to myself — I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.” That was two days after the firing. He literally said that he

You say that, but a few weeks ago I went into some clickbait that showed pictures of all of the dead who are strewn along the route up the mountain. Because of the conditions there, it’s sometimes just too hard to bring a body (with all its gear) down.

RIGHT? I read that and was shocked. They want people to see what’s happening and yet they virtually all support a guy who almost literally just said “nothing is happening”?? I don’t understand it.

This was always my thought. Like, I’d be petrified to go to Qatar just because I’d be afraid of getting flogged or whatever for drinking a beer or kissing my girlfriend in public. The core group that has the money and time to fly out there and spend a week’s vacation time (or more) is just not going to want to go. Too

BTW, what was it that Ben Sasse was even getting at with the comment about working in the fields. I have to admit that when he said it I was confused and wondered for a second if he was referencing slavery in some way.

This is an underrated comment.

2) As others have noted, there are plenty of legitimate inner city success stories in chess, which makes it really surprising that this one took off instead of stories about IS 318 in New York.

getting paired with a kid is a no-win scenario. You get no props for beating one, and if you lose you look like a stooge(and if he’s underrated, he’ll swipe 30 points from you).

I Red what you wrote there.

I’m with you.

This is so common. I swear I have heard a dozen times a reporter as a question along the likes of “how important is it to have X back on the team” after a vital player is returning from injury.

I am not a sports journalist, but I recall hearing some guys on ESPN years ago talking about interviews and whatnot, and one of the things they said was that in journalism school, you are taught to not ask yes-no questions because a yes-no answer is boring. Which is fair enough. However, it seems like the lazier of

Magnify that x1000 if you’re buying a condo because then you get to share walls and common areas with them!

I was in college at the time, and spent summers with my roommates drinking cheap beer, grilling cheap steak on a cheap grill, and watching sports. Early on in the Bulls’ run, you just enjoyed what you were watching. But towards the end, neither I nor my roommates imagines that the Bulls’ opponents had a chance.

This point can’t be made more strongly. Arguing that we need to direct the economy to have more coal miners is like arguing that we need to direct the economy to have more milkmen.

This for starters. Even if you have kids, the very least you can do is change the front and keep the backyard so they can still play. If you don’t use your lawn at all then there really is no point of having one.

In Los Angeles, where some places have really small “front yards” (really a 2' x 6' strip, or something similar), I recall seeing that.

I’ll add: with the clippings, either don’t collect them (though, be a sport and at least take a rake or something and spread it out on the lawn), or do what my dad did and compost that stuff— great for the garden once it’s been, well, composted. Same with leaves in the fall. My dad use to just mow them (without the