
Oklahoman here. I am not a legal historian, but my guess is that, well, yeah. They want to really punish people who do things near a church because it’s holy or whatever.

I was going to comment on the same thing. Some time ago, Courtney Love wrote a very interesting piece on the music industry explaining where all the money goes when it comes to producing an album. Bands don’t get much, and the only way to make money is to tour.

How much demographics research does the NFL do? In my (limited) experience, Vegas is filled with a lot of transplants who are a) not all that well off, and b) don’t much care about identifying with Vegas.

Guy here. Mid 40's. It sometimes happens to me. Factors include age (this happened less when I was younger, and in my teens and early 20's it probably never happened), booze (too much sort of desensitizes it), and then stress/over-thinking things.

This guy looks familiar...

There’s nothing in the lyrics to indicate that is what the song is about. I’m calling bullshit on that statement. He’s trying to make the song edgier than what it is.

If only he’d read a book on it. Something like— I don’t know— The Art of the Deal or something.

I can’t star this enough (I’m a gray so it doesn’t probably matter, but still). Fuck this Montgomery Burns jackass.  

70 year old man with a junk food addiction and no significant exercise regime in one of the highest stress jobs in the world.

Somehow, in the future, they will be able to do a lot of damage with just 40 watts. Maybe it’s the phased plasma that makes the difference, though.

Someone may have said this already, but by getting free office space and telecommunications equipment, isn’t she being paid in kind and thus shouldn’t she be subject to normal ethics rules?

Honest question: If this investigation shows that Trump or his surrogates were actively in contact with Russia about hacking, that’s grounds for impeachment hearings, right? I’m just wondering what happens if we actually find out that Russia was all “we’ve got your back, comrade” with Trump.

+1 index finger

+1 Stairway.

+1 Stairway.

Man. It’s a strange thing:

I dated a woman who used to get mad at me when I came back from the store with generic Ibuprofen. Like, How can you be so cheap? I wanted Advil, not this CVS knock-off. Don’t you care about my health? I tried to explain that the generic was the same as the brand— 200 mg of the drug— just way less expensive. She

Re Midol: This is something I have never understood about medicine, esp. with regards to Ibuprofen. How do multiple companies get to be “brand name” with this? With Acetaminophen, I see (in the US anyhow) basically Tylenol and generic. And with Aspirin, I see Bayer and then generic. With Naproxen, I see Aleve and then

murder of sycophants

Nothing brings me greater joy as a political science major to tell those twits “actually, there was a massive shift in party ideologies around the era of JFK and LBJ but please, keep incorrectly equating modern democrats to and republicans to parties that are literally only the same in name.”