
According to statistics, Indiana had the lowest voting turnout in the entire country for 2014. That's the only reason I say that Indiana hasn't spoken. In the many conversations I've had about this thing, I've yet to meet someone who's in support of the law. The reactions have ran the gamut from the It's Stupid's

I understand where you're coming from, but Indiana hasn't spoken. This despicable law wasn't put up to a public vote. This bigotry was in the hands of the state senate, and our ecclesiastical Governor Pence. Yes, that ridiculous excuse for a human was voted in by Indiana, unfortunately, but even his supporters are

As an apprehensive Hoosier—and yes, I surprisingly know four-syllable words in spite of my Indiana education—I actually understand their decision. Granted, going through with the show, and donating the money to the LGBT community is a great idea, but you have to understand the cowardice of the majority of Hoosiers at

Man of Steel: Fighter of the Knight Man