
They’re presently owned by NEVS, a Chinese-backed battery manufacturer that wants to roll out electric cars in China. And FWIW I hear they’re still making internal-combustion 9-3 coupes in Europe.

Pretty sure you could mount a gopro for $400 and call it a day. Let’s not oversell it

The point of music is to shock people?

Metal concerts tend to be full of pretty decent people to be frank. It’s funny but the more extreme the band, the safer the audience generally feels.

Don’t know who that is, but I want to.

Fixed it for ya

Because Dark Souls combat is an elaborate dance of opportunity. Every enemy can kill you, most enemies have about the same kind of arsenal as you do as far as swings and charges and such goes, it’s about finding the opening in an attack and punishing it, or getting punished for a misstep.

I remember some people bashing Witcher 3 of it’s pretty much similar controls while praising Dark Souls (well, without stamina sort of). Those games have pretty much 1:1 controls. Albeit the challenge of Witcher 3 vanishes as soon as you gain some of the more potent options in your arsenal. But still.

But they are sparse and not presented as like God of War, Onimusha, DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Hack and Slasher nowadays are either Dark Souls-like or Monster Hunter-like. We don’t have games like GoW, DMC, Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha anymore.

I totally agree. but if you want somebody who’s never played a Zelda game before get into the franchise you don’t show them this......................

Too many games, too little time.

I loved Windwaker when it came out (not a contrarian hipster BTW). I got sucked in the moment Link’s sister was kidnapped and I had major feels when I said goodbye to Grandma. All of the characters are amazing and well fleshed out. Getting the Master Sword was the most satisfying Master Sword of all the Zelda games.

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This is seriously what i see in that pic and what i see happening to us with VR. I’m personally avoiding it recognizing that that the 10-years-from-now VR will be so much better than anything my life can provide that I’ll leave my family.

Because it’s Samsung GearVR Powered by Oculus. Also, Oculus Rift probably is working closely with Samsung as I would guess... Samsung is probably one of their hardware business partners as Samsung is a Major lcd panel manufacturer.

Google Glass isn’t VR. It is AR that puts information, like directions or notifications, within your site line. So that isn’t a good example to use to show how VR is not useful or good. Maybe you can spot the difference between the headsets posted above, and Google Glass.

I don’t understand why people are clinging to this whole idea that some how it matters what they look like while wearing a VR headset. You’re gonna be at home, and more than likely by yourself, seeing as VR is pretty much a solo experience.

VR offers quite a bit more than 3D. VR is here to stay.

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people who do FPV races normally hit 40-60 mph. It’s really easy to put $400 of parts together and have an 80mph quad.