
“Electric Car Arena”

copyright trolling is an excellent advertising vehicle.

Stick to goats, man

Reaction videos tell me there’s an intrinsic part of us that needs to share experiences.

There’s a scene in “The Lobster” where they synchronize walkmans to dance because they’re hiding in the forest and don’t want to make any noise.

But it’s really no different from the advent of touchscreens, motion controls, and

This is not even it final form

I was not wowed

One Shader to rule them all.

I for one, Welcome our new Gameplay Mechanics DLC.

Isn’t that the nice young man with the video game tutorials?

Wow. He reminded me of that naive CEO guy in Silicon. Going out of his way to make sure you understand the algorithms before actually implementing the code.

As for the guys saying an ANT Simulator is lame. Lol. Well. There’s like 50 CODs coming out before you

I actually hated knowing actor’s names, and hated it when music videos started showing the singer’s faces. Whatever that’s all about.

It’s cute what people from developed countries think an apocalypse might be like.

REALITY CHECK: most of these projects die a quiet and slow death, as the grunt work of getting an entire game ready and finished is often beyond the ability (or attention span) of these hobbyist teams.

Seriously? They obviously have the ability, and judging from the depth of their engine, their attention span is a non

Reminds me of DBZ Power Levels.

So it’s PERFECT!

Gonna play it on your 16K monitor?

Little princess rebelling against appropriate attire

I agree. Doc Oc was like the SpiderMan everyone(I) always wanted. He forced Peter to grow up in the minds of everyone, so when Peter returned, he had a choice to accept his new status or return to the whiny kid he was.

Personally, I won’t be satisfied until Peter is in the illuminati (Although that’s probably never

Quick! Somebody call Ahmed to fix the clock!

Something (Noun) -Some Thing

Yeah. Showing this to my gf, she’s like where’s the sound of the footsteps? I told her that it would have been trivial to add footsteps, but that it would have gotten old fast.. Either that or space age materials don’t make sounds :D

yes... because God knows you can’t be a super powered Slut AND have a personality