
Dodai! Why did you have to post a picture with Matthew in it? MY WOUNDS ARE STILL FRESH.

Not a good enough reason to use the word "suckle".

I found that a lot of american companies exist in only lower BC. I was surprised while living there how american it felt.

So MacCallum dollars?

Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:

love you. <3

I am CRYING at my desk on account of this line.

Lindy, you are my favorite.


Now playing

You know, if you don't stop picking and poking at it, the wound will never heal.

Jez — ya got TOLD

On behalf of Canada, and a gif I'm giving a workout today:

Whatever. I'm going to go home and watch Lilo and Stitch. I don't need no stinkin' princess.

Finally I can use this gif.

This is excellent news. If anyone missed the background story on this dude, you can find Charlotte Laws's amazing piece here. It's chilling, and well worth a read.

The trolls y'all. Don't feed 'em.