
“Your husband must like the rolls.”

They don't look bleached to me, they look like the makeup artist used a very light foundation/brow clay to lighten her brows. Pretty common during fashion week.

Pasta with bacon and peas. I can have it on the table in 15 minutes flat. Boil water, salt it, and throw in whatever pasta you have. Meanwhile, slice up about 6 pieces of bacon and cook in a big pan until crispy. Add in about a cup of frozen peas and stir until they're bright green. Turn off the heat, add in about a

I promise you that it isn't the only thing I took away from the article, but this sentence made for a nice visual break from all the crazy:


Whhhhhhyyyyy did you remind me of this? I would literally drive across the border for these. I've tried everything the snack aisle will throw at me, there is no replacement.

They've been saying that FOR YEARS. I will believe it when i walk into my local corner store and see it in the fridges.

CLEARLY CANADIAN. Specifically the strawberry flavour. Beach days/picnics/my life has never been the same without it.

Flloyd. Fucking Flloyd. It was his turn to name the baby, and with two daughters he knew it was his last change to use his favourite name. He wanted it to be a constant reminder of his college days.

If I had Kimye money, I would totally get married at Versailles too. Like seriously, I can't think of a better, more ostentatious wedding location. You do you, Kimye.

Utterly and completely mesmerized by that cat gif. I'm seeing cats in a whole new light.

In high school, I took a trip to Hawaii for spring break with about a dozen friends. Pierce Brosnan was on the beach with his family, and some of the girls decided to do their best 'Bond Girl' for him.

One friend had HUUUUGE boobs. Tall, blonde, totally gorgeous. She's frolicking in the surf with a bunch of the other


Inspired by the Highlands? No tartan? Calling bullshit.


Sheer? Sparkly? Body clinging? SOMEONE CALL J.LO, STAT.

I also have a history degree. When I decided to major in it, I wanted to be a teacher. Then I did some volunteering at a school and realized, I don't really like teaching at all! It was too late to change my major, and in the end I'm happy I spent those years learning so much about what I love. You have excellent

We are no longer friends with them. It was a very odd way to start a relationship, watching movies about genocide and cannibalism.

Our mutual friends decided a great way to set us up would be a double date at their place to watch movies. Which movies? Double feature of Hotel Rwanda and Silence of the Lambs. We rolled our eyes in perfect unison when we heard what we were going to watch. It was the start of a beautiful, sarcasm-riddled relationship