
Um, your cupcakes sound so delicious.

What's for dinner, y'all?

Cannot unsee.

Thinking about them!

I also doubt that every couple goes through cheating. How you react to cheating is totally personal. Just because your sister in law doesn't think it's a big deal does not mean that you need to feel the same way. If you don't think your relationship can survive cheating, don't stick around just because others think

Can't look away.

I want Drew Barrymore's hair colour. Tis perfect.

Benedict Cumberbatch's voice is pure gold. I want him to start narrating everything.

I also have no idea who 90% of these people are. People live them some obscure hot celebrities.

Bahaha I love the gifs.

Eeeeeee! I watched The Hobbit again last night and weirded out my boyfriend because I kept mentioning how hot Thoren was. Totally delicious.

I read a book he wrote after filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I totally fell in love with him. Not really the 'omg he's so hot' love but still, I get excited any time I see him in anything. He's such a fantastic actor.

Yours is my favourite so far.

In the last one where he's wearing the black peacoat? I died.

Watch it, you won't regret it. I suspect my boyfriend likes it even more than I do.

As far as Cumberbatch goes, you and I are on the same page

I'm pretty sure he was the object of my original teenage hormonal lust when Clueless came out.

If he looked at you like this over said drinks, would you linger suggestively over the bro-hug?

Sean O'Pry is...... delicious. Is it the eyebrows?

Who is your #1 extra super sexy celebrity crush and why?