
For us, the first one was infertility, then, right before our 25th, a Stage IV cancer diagnosis. It worked out fine, but man, those were the toughest tests of our relationship. It's like coming out of a crucible. Yeah, it was hard, but if anything, our relationship is even stronger. We've seen the worst. We've

We just celebrated our 30th. That's not the hard stuff up there. The hard stuff comes later when Bad Things happen that test your commitment to each other in ways you never expected. Health issues, job loss, family issues with parents and loved ones - those are the things that are truly hard and will test your

"Three titties and a dingaling" sounds like the name of a band.

Prostitution is legal in Colombia and widespread

I think that as women we're expected to be emotionally dependent and nurturing. We're supposed to be "above" judging men's bodies. If we don't enthusiastically accept tiny dicks, we're being bad women.

You are absolutely right. It is TOTALLY the culture of Hollywood. I am a normal woman who lives here and is surrounded by people in "the business" and the pressure to be thin and young is just punishing. I REALLY REALLY admire actresses who can withstand it.

So much this. I get angry too, but not at the person wearing lingerie to a business meeting, the gal getting the boob job, or the woman with an eating disorder. We're all doing the best we can with what we know, surviving as best we can. What I get angry about is the constant stream of messages that I am only as good

I bake a cake that gets people pregnant within six weeks. It's worked three times so far.

Women just want to have some amount of control in this huge life decision, but if we ask or "nag" about getting engaged to our significant other its frowned upon in our society. Recently the bf and I had a really long, honest talk about this. I kept sending him rings and he kept being weird about it, so we talked and

*Edit: Also I find people who brag...

You can actually get diamonds for much much cheaper in NYC than anywhere else in America. If you know what you are doing and know where to go.

I actually joked with my Ob/Gyn don't let that ring get lost up there!

And wouldn't you like to help prevent something like this happening to someone else or are you too concerned with your own issues to care about that.

I just want to clarify that I would gleefully butcher the man who raped me and feed his remains to carnivorous ants. He gets no sympathy for me, so I understand exactly what you're saying about lizard brain versus rational brain.

Yeah, a paedophile who genuinely doesn't want to offend would never, in a million years, work with children. This guy wants to offend, but he's looking for a way to make himself feel better aftewards, something so he can say "Well, I tried to get help..."

Yeah, I'm all for preventative treatment, but this dude is being really fucking irresponsible. A self-described pedophile working with young children is, for all intents and purposes, like a drug addict being in charge of a narcotics evidence locker. He might never slip up, but who wants to take that chance?

The original story includes a description of a horribly abusive, degrading porn film of a very young child. I think we can all agree that those individuals are not worth our sympathy. People who do not victimize children and try to seek help with unwanted urges, maybe they are worthy of our sympathy.

Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation and it is dangerous to label it that way. It is paraphilic disorder. This is not about sexual preference but a reliance or obsession with children for their sexuality and dominance over them is part of that.

I was pretty much on board with the article ('yes, treatment sounds good, these studies sound good, good that this kid doesn't condone sex with children in any way') until i got to the part about the guy who's a pre-school teacher. I don't care what he claims about the age range of his proclivities or how much his

As a victim of childhood sexual abuse - I have a really difficult time feeling sympathy here. I try to - because they appear to honestly be desiring help, and we as humans should try to help people.. especially if helping them will help stop abuse.