
As a man (should I just flee the scene now?) violent porn is awful, and it's proliferation troubles me. I'm all for porn and a consumer of it myself, but I tend to think my tastes are pretty mainstream and there's a place for that in this big wide internet world. There's plenty of weird fetishy stuff I don't get

Yeah, "sex positive" men... uh huh... seen too may of those. As long as women continue to cater to men, they are positive about it.

I had (had) a friend who used to aggressively shame me for not wanting sex and for wanting to be in a monogamous relationship. I don't understand the kind of cognitive dissonance that allows supposed feminists to do this.

The only "liberation" has been the liberation of men to abuse women more and more, and more openly; more egregiously. Women are not free or liberated from male domination or male violence. They never were. They aren't now. it any wonder that most libertarians are male? Men will go to any lengths to defend their use and abuse of women for their own sick and hateful urges. They will bend over backwards to keep women afraid, oppressed and enslaved. They know exactly what they do to women, they know that they benefit, and they do not

I can't really believe for a moment that you're talking about the same people saying that one is okay and the other is horrifying. Frankly, they are both horrifying. I don't idolize Belle Knox. I think she was a desperate girl that did what she had to in order to get by. I've also never seen someone labelled a victim

"It seems that there really is no sense or logic behind third wave feminism anymore."

I was thinking today about how a lot of the terry Richardson and dov charney stuff seemed to come out of the mainly liberal hipster anti prude fuck all movement. I'm for sexual empowerment for women 100%, but our porn is so deeply connected with misogyny that we can't just go at it without assessing our messages and

I'm in no way defending violent porn but men were and always will be angry at women. With or without porn.

I'm pretty sure no one is saying "we should all fight rape culture by...saying yes more and learning to do more violent sex acts." That's hyperbole. I feel like you are distorting a differing opinion to suit your own narrative. I never once heard (or read) a 3rd wave feminist say that all women should have violent

The pain is actually one of the marketing points. The banner ads often feature women literally crying. The violence against women in pornography has always been subtle but now it's overt. There is no denying it.

Alternative hypothesis - women are more in charge and discriminating in who they spend their time with and some men can't accept that. I posit that the liberation of women from men financially has basically prevented a lot of bad relationships from forming where the man dictates everything and the woman complies cause

You have no idea just how bad frat boys can be. Zero compassion and a complete and utter distain for women. They will sit there and BRAG about the terrible things that they have done.

Sounds very similar to how Stanford dealt with Leah Francis' rape. These schools should be in trouble for endangering other students by allowing a known predator to return to campus. The parents of the students who still attend all these schools should think twice about sending their children back in the fall.

THANK YOU. There is a huge disconnect between the goals of feminism and the way it is being re-written, especially with the younger generation. There is nothing empowering about doing porn. I do not see how anyone can argue that it is sex positive. And I agree, I think that the newest wave of feminism may actually

The problem is actually that they're detached from her humanity, I think.

Is it too late for the police to get involved? I mean, there's video evidence.

"Porn does not need to resemble a Chuck Palahniuk novel." -slow clap.

I agree 100%. If men are consuming violent sexual acts constantly, it continues the fucking RAPE CULTURE. Why do you think young men are so angry at women today. I'll give you one hint:

Everything I wanted to say and more. Thank you for this. Prepare for the backlash from the idiot libertarians who usually defend grotesque violent porn.