Oh yeah because women would be the ones shooting guns for fun in the air like Yosemite Sam. I would trust a woman a thousand times over a man to be judicious about its use.
Oh yeah because women would be the ones shooting guns for fun in the air like Yosemite Sam. I would trust a woman a thousand times over a man to be judicious about its use.
I'm a Darwinist, so in my view, killing men who rape and murder is definitely doing something. Sure it would be great if men fixed their own problems, but that's never going to happen. Getting violent men out of the gene pool helps change evolution. That's a pretty big something. So even if you went to jail for it, it…
Yeah. Sure. That's great! Except once again the onus is placed on women——by men!—— to do something about what men do to them. Men and society get to sit on their asses and change absolutely nothing. That includes blaming women for what men do to them. Men have raped women on video——-and gotten acquitted. Men…
"You know what will convince these people I disagree with to think like me?"
It's not about getting their rocks off. It's about their entitlement. These men believe women are objects they are entitled to. Men who see women as people don't think like these murderers/wannabe murderers.
I'm going to be very honest. What you do drives me fucking bonkers. Why are you calling me back and making me say everything twice? The information you need is in your voicemail. Listen to it THEN call me if you have questions. You think listening to something for thirty seconds is a waste of time. I think making me…
<Gen X (I think? 76/94), hates VM. Always have.
It's outdated and it does waste time. It's not about hearing a voice- it's about having to listen and write down important information from a voicemail- which could all be eliminated with text. If someone gives you important info in a voicemail- you have to listen to it usually twice to make sure you have the…
Yikes. Only a millennial could be so clueless as to think using your voice for communication is rude.
Maybe if you just listened to the voicemail they left, you wouldn't have to call them back and waste everyone's time. Listen to your damn voicemails.
So, you're so socially retarded that even talking on the phone is an issue now?
"training the olds"
"Let us have intercourse in the manner of humans."
Hah, "I'm like the Picasso of not getting any, but I think I'm moving into a Dali phase."
It's funny how easy it is to tell which dudes watch waaaaaay too much porn.
I had a girlfriend who worked at Hooters, and said that sometimes the tights they wore were the only thing that kept customer's fingers out of their ladyparts. She actually gave it up and went back to stripping for a living, because at least there the men weren't allowed to touch her, and she could go home after a…
Haha it's almost like being a woman anywhere!
Yup! I had a male friend who while out drinking with us would always say "we're pregnant!" While pounding PBRs. After a few times of this I finally said "oh really! Well beer is super bad for the baby" and took his beer. And drank it.
"Like it was a new hobby she had taken up that I wasn't involved in." Hahaha loved this phrase.