
And for those whose area all but outlaws mace for anyone visiting said area, Axe body spray makes an excellent substitute.

She fucking CLOCKED A KNIFE-WIELDING PSYCHO WITH HER BACKPACK. I want to pay that little girl's full 4-year college tuition right now.

My co-worker told a young woman to smile about a week ago and I blew a gasket. He explained that it was such a beautiful day she should be smiling. I asked him is he also tells 6'5 biker men to smile too because it's so beautiful outside. And then told him to not do that anymore as she is not there for his viewing

It's amazing to me how many of these men who can't be held responsible for their actions due to mental illness direct those issues towards women.

Pharrell didn't know how dangerous his song could be.

Smile! Because baby/honey/gurrrl, you're too pretty to look sad, and you should focus on whether or not your face is pleasing to men.

But don't smile too much, or we'll have to kill you.

You say "hanging from trees," George Will would say "floating due to excess privilege."

I agree with you on this part. I think either child care needs to be more affordable or guys need to man up and start sharing the household chores. We women still do the majority of them. Or, move to Hong Kong or Singapore, where help is relatively affordable. Everyone I know who lives there has a nanny/cook, so

Yeah its not like cultural trends push girls out of mathematics or anything.

I'm a woman studying computer engineering, and it pisses me off so much when I hear girls complaining that they don't make as much money as guys. If you want to make as much as guys, then why are you studying useless subjects like psychology/women's studies/sociology/english? Trust me, I would LOVE to have more

Or the alternate title....

And I am sure this is really what she needs this week, a large group of men leering over her bed. With vague paternalistic promises to make it better? There is no try, there is only do. STOP RAPING PEOPLE GODDAMMIT.

Well, if we stone adult women to death in the streets for marrying a man their family doesn't like, why can't we stone rapists to death in the street? What's the problem, here?

I'm pretty sure that means assaulted, not raped. Let's be real, I suspect a similar number of American women have been groped by weirdos at least once in their lifetime.

nothing like having the press and president buzzing around your hospital bed after being brutalized and minimized. Does this seem self serving on the president's part to anyone else?

"The question was asked, 'What could make a woman become so dark? To lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?'"

He's a conservative demon. A liberal demon would have totally been doing doggie style.

Exactly. What's so scary is that he got her consent to remove her top, and then went from that to "Let me just stick my dick in her face without warning to see what happens". At no point did he ever ask for or receive consent for that act. That is sexual assault, hands down, and typical predatory behavior.

Erin, Great job getting this out prior to the pro-Terry piece is published by New York magazine.

Let's call it what it really was, a concentration camp for unwed mothers and their children. I do hope we've learned something from this and make sure it never, ever happens again.