
Hey hey hey, sounds like this person took 9th grade biology. Are you saying they're not an expert?!?! Fuck, I guess I'm going to have to stop telling everyone that string theory is about is about knitting universes together with yarn because I took AP physics.

I don't know, dude. I've had some pretty epic orgasms.

I have been simply desperate and aching to become a mom, and *I* think your comment is reductionist, anti-woman, and offensive. Quit it.

Biology doesn't hard wire us to have children; it hard wires us to have sex, and then to fall in love with the children once they arrive. But if we are clear-eyed in not wanting children, we can cheat via birth control. All the fun, none of the kids!

This is nonsensical. Because it's what we have in common with other species, it's the meaning of life? That's the purpose of reproduction, but the meaning of life has philosophical connotations. Which in itself proves we've managed to rise above our primal instincts and be creators instead of just biological matter.

Are you trolling or are you really that stupid? It's conspicuously obvious humans have other drives as well. If all we wanted was to procreate we would still be stuck at be born-eat-fuck-give birth-die cycle with nothing else in between. Tell me, how is your sitting at home typing away at your computer conductive to

No ticking here, at all. Decided around 18 or 20 that it wasn't for me, got fixed at 37, and am 43 now with zero regrets and still never heard the tick. My sibs have a bunch of kids, my friends have a bunch of kids, I vote for taxes for schools, I'm a productive member of society. But nope, no kidlets for me and now

People often ask what the meaning of life is. The answer is Children.

I hear ya, sister. I had some "so what's wrong with me" issues for a while. I finally concluded that even if that's true (that something's missing in my psyche) then so be it. I yam what I yam.

It's a primal drive, sure, but it's not a "need". At least not a universal one. I have never felt like a "need" to have children. Never wanted them, never will. besides, other people's children are the ultimate birth control.

Stop projecting your feelings onto others. Not everyone thinks the meaning of life is children and CLEARLY not everyone wants to have kids. Get over yourself.

sure. for society as a whole.

I appreciate it. It's a neglected narrative in our culture that some women never really feel the biological clock tick because we don't care that much about having kids. I mean, I'm in my 40s, I like kids a whole lot but my only urge to have one was born more out of societal pressures (how to fit in with peers) than a

My stepdad did a lot of chores. Probably most of them except for cooking. That said, I don't think he did them out of a desire to divide work equally, but because he was and still is a clean freak who has particular ways he likes everything done and none of us can do them correctly.

My problem isn't so much figuring out the wash cycles, its remembering that there are still wet clothes in the washer after my 3 year old daughter has dragged me upstairs to play 'princess vs. dinosaurs'. The smell of damp clothes that have sat in the bottom of a washer for 2 days is a much to frequent occurrence

That depends on whether you're pulling your weight inside the house. Which you probably aren't according to all statistics everywhere.

This is really interesting, and not really surprising. Clearly it's not enough for women to try to achieve in fields previously dominated by men (duh, or Working Girl would have solved everything!), men have to take on work that has traditionally been seen as female.

If this is indeed the case, folks, I'm sorry to report you that you shall soon bow down to my daughter, empress of the universe.

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

"There are a lot of weirdos roaming around."