But noooo we don't need feminism. Not all men!! What about the Men?? Women exaggerate. Things are FINE, where do you live?
So if I were to book a flight to Pakistan specifically so I could find this family and stone all involved family members to death just so that they can experience exactly the kind of horror and brutality that their daughter did as she slowly died at their hands... how many people would be willing to sign up with me?
Given the conditions she's being kept in I'm astonished she's survived so long. They're going to keep her like this for two more years while she weans the child, then give her the lashings then kill her. It's barbaric and awful, and I hope to god the calls for the Sudanese authorities to release her come to fruition.
Another example of why mixing religion and government is bad. Separation of Church and State is just common sense.
It's a strange thing. I am currently firmly on team He Can Get It, but I wasn't always and I can't pinpoint when the change occurred. I always really enjoyed Sherlock, but I didn't have any particular feelings either way towards Benedict (besides thinking he was great in the role). Then the third series started and…
Yeah see Cumberbatch does nothing for me and I think he has a weird face (even though he seems like a nice dude and is a great actor) but I'd take him any day of the week over Martin Freeman whose looks are best described as "the bloke who sat next to me on the bus". That's the most annoying thing about all this:…
FUCK OFF. He's not the only one in this world. People go through worse shit than he has. He was an entitled fuck and that's it and I'm pissed off because it's changing the discourse on Aspergers who are less likely than the general population to be violent.
I didn't get it for the longest time (and would actually get kind of mad that people kept going on about how amazing Sherlock is, how BC is haaawwwwt), until I saw Star Trek. Seeing and hearing him=yowza. That said, he is still very awkward-looking, but it's easy to overlook.
In still photos, I think he looks kind of awkward. Somehow when he is onscreen in his sexy Sherlock coat, though, he is really hot. I don't know why. I think it has to do with how he takes off scarves.
I started watching Sherlock and blown away by the sex appeal. He's got it going on.
LMAO @ physically repellent. Damn. He's not THAT bad. I googled the other guys you mentioned...meh.
From spending a regrettable amount of time in the fandomverse, I can tell you that those "plastic surgery or something" features come from his parents weird-attractive features, particularly his mom.
He does have a rather unearthly quality about him. Like if he announced tomorrow that he was part alien/fae/some sort of supernatural beastie you wouldn't be surprised.
This isn't too surprising, is it? While I find him incredibly attractive now, it took me a long time to shake off his creepy, nasty character from Atonement. He does have a slightly otherworldly and non-conventional look about him.
I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody…
You should really get down off the high horse, it was one of Gawker sites that had a huge thing about Snowden's girlfriend, revealing photos, all that, when she had zero to do with what he did.
Well, it benefits a lot of people. Men, mostly. They're not going to give it up easily.
and this is prime example of why women need freedom from religion....those run by crazy fucking men anyhow.
"Iranian woman is the symbol of chastity and innocence," he said.