
There is no point. It’s a post similar to what you wrote, only better, shorter and more interesting.

Never saw, never will.

You should read “Are you a Shantell?” over on- oops, sorry, it’s the secret page black people don’t know about.

Has hell frozen over yet? Because that’s when I’ll care what you think.

Today, by wearing my old lady fat jeans and a t shirt that says “Where the hell is Mystic Island” purchased at a fund raiser, I was asking for Advantage 2 for my flea ridden cat, lemonade, milk and gasoline. And that’s just what I got, Donna. (never wore any of your shitty overpriced clothes, either..)


This sounds like the kind of crap Leah Finnegan used to write, except with capital letters, and look what happened to her.

And yet you, a white woman who expounds on vagina care, have just posted a screed on why wywemo should stfu. I has a confuse.

Don’t fucking knock my hobbies, man.

Sounds like it was written by an XO Jane commenter.

Hey, Kushner’s crooked jailbird father paid good money to get his boy where he is! They better not take his security clearance chrome away!

“Happy Valley” is about as much as I want to know about this whole situation.

Yeah, if he came face to face with a “real” gangster he’d run away screaming like a little girl.

So he’s encouraging cops to disregard the whole Freddie Gray debacle. Someone should tell shithead in charge that no one is irreplaceable.

There’s something off about this no matter what anyone says.

Circuses are being phased out, at least the ones with animals. And bread, well, unless it’s some kind of rustic/artisan multigrain....

Certainly not, that would be heartless. It would be on a gurney in a hospital corridor, after what is commonly known as a “wallet biopsy.”

Why don’t they just rename fox news “WHOPPERS” White house official presidential propaganda excrement recycling service?

No, only white people lie, make false allegations of sexual assault against people of another race and injure themselves deceptively to foment outrage against another race. In the entire history of mankind since record keeping began there has never been anyone but white people who have done this. And if a black

One of the reasons is that he needed a public job to avoid a big tax hit on selling some hedge fund to the Chinese. Trump’s White House mirrors his mentor Roy Cohn’s “favor bank.”