Special Circumstances

Reckon Stark. We hardly knew ya.

I actually just read articles and never share them, since I don’t participate in social media. Or I *gasp* send an article to my boyfriend via email like some kind of caveman.

Was it the red bull? Cause I saw that at 6 years old and freaked out. Nowadays I find the whole thing charming as fuck.

And please, turn on your headlights! Especially during a storm. It’s not just so you can see, it’s so other people can see you.

It's in the same city, but I don't know if it's the very same brothel.

Theon is actually in Volaantis. The same place where Jorah kidnapped Tyrion.

You can take my raw cookie dough from me when you pry it out of my cold dead mouth.

I’m really happy for her and her community. She’s a great force for good in this world. I wish we had more like her in Texas.

Jamie is also technically her little brother, since he was born minutes after her. She could be suspecting the wrong little brother.

Actually, Littlefinger convinced Lysa Tully to poison Jon Arryn, so they could ‘finally be together.’ So your ultimate villain might just be lurking in the shadows twirling his creepy mustache.

I’ll miss you Charlie Jane.

You shut your mouth, Prince was magic!

Unbowed, unbent, unbroken.

Schroedinger’s Jon Snow

I really wish someone like you had been around when I was growing up. My grandmother told me it was the ‘boogey.’ So you can imagine my confusion and fright when hearing stories about the boogeyman. I also led a very sheltered life as a child, since we moved so often. I had no one to compare notes with, like other

Count me in as a dissatisfied Essure user. I got the Essure, but it didn’t take on one side, so I had to get a tubal later on down the road. During that procedure, they discovered a massive amount of endometrial tissue, which was removed. Fast forward a year and a half and my cervix is all swollen (so bad, I thought

My 8 yo niece is a bit of a special case. She doesn’t feel pain very well, which made my sis a basketcase for her early years. Since that little girl fearless, thanks to not feeling any pain, she’d often walk up to mom bloody or burnt somewhere, proudly grinning about her new marks. All the while, my sis is quietly

I don't know, but I hope it's contagious via commenting.

If my husband to be buys a huge diamond instead of saving that money for a car or a house, I'll consider him financially irresponsible. I don't need a rock, I need essentials.

Old Snoopy stuff. And anything Doctor Who.