Culture Club Warrior

I can't tell if I like you or not.

You first.

It's overrated, actually.


No. There was no movement for gay rights before Stonewall, and it was all done by trans women of color. You will be assimilated.

For somebody who doesn't care about Hollywood or celebrities, he certainly seems to have a lot to say about them. Makes you think….

No problem. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, especially on topics that can be unfamiliar to many people.

In Laverne's case, "her" is correct. It is customary for trans people to select the pronouns that are appropriate for them. Some people actually prefer to be referred to as "it," but that seems to be very uncommon.

That's a shame. I hope that Laverne Cox finds a starring vehicle worthy of her talents.

I was thinking about watching this one, but then I learned that they used a prosthetic.


Is George Soros even still alive?

Isn't Rubio notorious for having the worst attendance record in the Senate? Does he actually do anything, or are the people of Florida just sending him to DC to keep him out of state?

I'm rooting for Demián Bichir.

Hmm. I wasn't expecting Travis to be the hot one.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of assholes.

I guess that we disagree, then.

I was caught off guard by the backlash against having MY on the show, in part because he's had people like MY on his show for years, and also because he repeatedly criticizes people on the Left for how they respond to people that they oppose. I don't agree with everything that Maher says, but one of the things that I…

I've only seen a couple of the films with big nominations, but my predictions are:

He's done. Not even the Log Cabiners will have him now.