
dunno about everyone else, but I'm from the UK where it is much less of a big deal. I can't even remember what channel it's on, probably one not on Freeview. So it probably is an age/internet thing, but more me watching Community tho it's not in the UK either…

I can definitely see people being thrown off by the bongs/title cards, but if… is accurate then yeah I don't feel I missed out on much. It's maybe like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers ref in Regional Holiday Music—didn't catch onto the allusion when I first saw it, but what was happening

I've never seen an episode of Law and Order but it's been parodied so much, and the tropes of crime procedurals/courtroom dramas are so familiar, I don't think I missed out on any jokes unless there's some really subtle jokes going on.

There's a fun scene in the first(?) episode of Girls where Shoshanna is talking about Sex and the City to Jessa, the point being to a) distinct Girls as being "real" by criticising SATC and b) step up to the plate as being the show to announce itself as the show that will represent the new generation of women. 40% of

the "fucking with" was manipulating his friends into thinking they'd (wrongly) wrecked his relationship and broke his heart, although remember that Barney is a golden-haired scamp who in no way deserves that horrible Quinn, who cruelly manipulated him into not treating women like dirt.