“No Mr President, leave the lights off they hurt my eyes.”, Steve Bannon
“No Mr President, leave the lights off they hurt my eyes.”, Steve Bannon
To be fair, they might have...
Yeah, my late grandfather referred to this as “Stupid Proud.” It was what he called folk that know they are being stupid but nonetheless decide to power through rather than acknowledge any need for a helping hand/change of behavior.
My sister’s a nurse. She told me a story about a homeless guy who came in with infected cuts, and the maggots were so deep in the wound they couldn’t clean them out, so they put cuts of raw bacon on his stomach and waited for the maggots to crawl to that instead. She told this story during dinner.
This is why I sleep with a parasitic wasp in each ear. Once that cockroach crawls in, he’s in for a BIG surprise.
But.... but....
It’s because I knew someone was gonna come along and tell me that his head was too big to be a shrunken head. NO. I MEANT WHAT I SAID.
3) Wife-beating.
To answer your penultimate question, I’ll give you an old George Carlin quote:
Hey, Donnie, why don’t you use this prayer breakfast to reflect on Exodus 22:21
All I heard was the word “fuck” maybe? or maybe it was phlegm?
A couple of years ago, I did my 30 day trial of Netflix. It left me with the distinct impression of a shitty 90's video store. Not like a Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, but like a mom & pop shop, or something run out of a convenience store.
If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...
But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.
I do virus and malware removal as a side job, and my grossest appointment ever was an attorney who kept getting ransomware on his machine. He swore to me that he only visited espn.com. After my second visit, and getting my ass chewed out over doing “half a job,” I popped into his office unannounced, opened up his…
Star Trek has always been the DC to Star Wars’s Marvel. They do the small screen wonderfully, but they just never seem to make the leap to big cleanly.
This show is amazing. A very definite contender for best show of the year. I didn’t see the twist, but only because you’re right I thought we got the twist already. Early on I commented to my spouse “but Tahani is terrible! She’s so self congratulatory and smug, she’s delightful to watch but she’s kind of a jerk.” and…
I love everything about that relationship, how everyone agrees that it makes absolutely no sense and how Janet keeps on matter-of-factly stating that she’s not a woman. And how her reason for marrying him was that her programming doesn’t contain anything that specifically tells her not to.
But, WHY THE FUCK IS IT AT THE BOTTOM???? Seems such an inconvenient place for a warming drawer. I mean, maybe it’s under the pilot so it’s like natural warmth, but fuck is it ever inconvenient.
To me, anyways.