No. It was Patrick.
I go to a gym in West Hollywood, where I am out numbered by my gay brothers, and I have to say, I’ve seen a few dudes walking around with these fake butts. Some are Kim k fake and some are like the picture of this superman here. There is even a guy with fake balls, they botched the job and it looks like he’s got a set…
I want to see that butt in a reproduction of George Michael’s “Faith” video. I am willing to pay.
What pissed me off about that was that it seemed to reduce Bev to just her sexuality (which wasn’t even fully developed because she was still a child). All the way through the book she’s brave and funny and smart and talented, and the best shot with the slingshot, but at the end the only way she can save them all is…
Spoiler Alert:
People call them sewers, but I always thought of them more as storm drains. In america aren’t sewers inclosed pipes? The open underground tunnels are for moving rainwater, right?
Hottest of Taeks- Stephen King is a great writer. However he is middling at best at many of his endings. IT being one of them.
10-year-old me thought it was bloody terrifying, to the extent of ‘when you go brush your teeth in the evening, check first if there is a clown hiding in the sewer drain’* terrifying. The present me, however, cannot recall if it was really any good, apart from two things: the scene in the last episode with the two…
I loved all the flinching before the balloons popped. So funny.
The part that bugs me though is the library scene with Richie. He is supposed to be the only one who can see the clown and the balloons. The extras all flinch and shut their eyes when the balloons burst. Couldn’t be helped, but this is where CGI would have been nifty.
Also, it never escapes my notice that any time someone asks for Stephen King recommendations, the replies invariably will include MOST of his books, which I think only speaks to his strength as a writer. Most of his output is good enough for someone to consider any one of them their favorite.
I like a lot of the cast. But dear god John Boy as Big Bill just did not do it for me. Tim Reid and John ritter were probably my faves of the adult losers.
He has some real garbage novels, but his short story “The Jaunt” will probably haunt my sleeping mind forever.
I think it looks mad good. Tim Curry aside, the original suffers from a lot of 90s awfullness.