
John. Kerry.

Wall Street fatcats

I thought this was Gore?

I’ll definitely take boring over “bloviating psychopath” Trump.

I can’t tell if he was annoyed or amused

I took it as him throwing shade. It becomes apparent when juxtaposed with his briefing on terrorism.

“Did you catch your Pokeman thing? No? Oh I’m so sorry. I’m just up here dealing with some pretty serious terrorists up here.”

“That man is playing Pokemon Go. He thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.”

His lips/mouth makes him look like he’s eating a really sour plum

Props to that guy for shining the worlds brightest spotlight on this guy’s lack of professionalism without sacrificing his own.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight here. This is the war room.

At that moment, they all hoped that Draymond Green would appear and make Remigio into a soprano.

So he’ going to be asked to sing in front of a large group of people ever again, right? Certainly not any national anthems where he might become the story and a PR nightmare for a team or league?

So, his name is Remigio Pereira, and he does this?!

Shouldn’t it have been in French as well?

Way to exclude the handless blind population, you insensitive bastard.

He successfully pissed off two countries.

I don’t think he’s their buddy, guy.

The Tenors’ statement: “3 of us matter”

These Tenors, who do they think they are? There are other vocal ranges, you know? Like, how about making sure they get their time in the limelight as well! #allvocalrangesmatter

Our national pastime, denying the struggles of black people.