Whoa, whoa, whoa. Subscription? That would be a huge mark against this game for me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Subscription? That would be a huge mark against this game for me.
Why would anyone pay a subscription to play a team based shooter? If anything it should just be buy to play like most pc games.
Meh. . .I prefer mine forged out of real scissors.
People with living room PC's and wireless pads?
I'm normally pretty forgiving with typos (those in glass houses, etc). But man, if I were Square Enix, there'd be only four words I'd make DAMN sure I spelled correctly.
Chiming in here as an IT professional.
Don't you mean Elsa is pretty much Mewtwo from Pokemon?
resident evil 6 had split screen coop.
I'll give you that traditional Scarecrow from things like DC comics and TAS is kind of lame.
But Arkham Universe Scarecrow? That dude is pretty cool.
No matter what the intentions of the game are, I just can't support anything from this sanctimonious, narcissistic jerk.
I wouldn't touch this game with ten foot...well, you know.
I'll go ahead and be the one to ask the awkward question on everyone's mind here: if you lose, does Kanye's mother go to hell?
Racist if you include black people. Racist if you don't. White people can't win.
You are going to need more than a cheap black and white filter to fully replicate the impact of a vintage CRT.