Then again, they had a recent reboot so they might be skipping the origin for real this time.
Licenses can be a tricky thing, though I'm happy Marvel got part of the license back it still troubles me that Sony has some say on how things should be done. Marvel should just be Marvel and they have been running a more succesful run than Sony ever dreamed so I hope Sony just backs the hell down and they let Marvel…
Yeah I think Garfield nailed it, even though the movies are disappointing.
It's part of their job no matter whether or not it sounds real, if they don't respond then next time someone calls maybe it would be and they'd decide not to respond. It's their job to check up on things of that magnitude.
Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.
Clearly you never played it. It's anything but boring. That's the last emotion going thru my mind when I play Resident Evil.
Telltale will remember that.
...why is this being posted now? I hate to be that "OLD NEWZ GUYS!" but this has been examined so many times already, and the games shown in the above banner image are pretty old at this point (and that's just their boxart, the games themselves feature varying color palettes).
I will be playing dying light, one day you too can play it amd.
AMD's drawn recent blood, but I'd be very surprised if they're doing anywhere near as well as Nvidia in terms of GPU sales.
Because then we'd be playing with dolls and dress-up, duh
Oh these make me smile. DLC PLEASE CAPCOM!
"You were almost a Jill sandwich!"
I love the door animations and always will and that's definitely not the nostalgia talking.
they can't do that....the doors are part of the experience ;__;
The doors are the best part!